Understanding the plan of God for Your Life

God’s plan for your life is amazingly masterful. The prophet Jeremiah describes it as one to prosper you. This plan will also give you hope and a great future. However, it is sad to note that many are not receiving the benefits of this masterful plan, the reason being: lack of understanding.

Pastor Joseph Colin Wilson, a preacher, teacher, counselor, and inspirational speaker, is a beneficiary of this plan and has dedicated over 30 years of his life, helping people discern and understand the plan of God for their lives.


Planning involves looking ahead and relating events with possibilities. The creator God, in His infinite wisdom, foresaw that man would need help. Thus, He formulated a masterful plan to restore us into a right relationship with Him. This plan incorporates such features as mercy, love, and favor. Moreover, it encompasses the whole being of man, namely, body, soul, and spirit.


Life is never ordinary when God is in control. His master plan fosters a life of wholeness, wellness, and abundance.


The favor of God makes a big difference in our lives. “The blessings of the Lord, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.”

Live Well

“My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” – John 10:10

The Blessed Life of God

The blessed life is one filled with blessings. Blessings are “good and perfect” gifts that come from our heavenly father. These gifts are not limited to physical things such as material possessions but extend to spiritual qualities that ultimately shape us into the image that God desires for us.

Beauty for Ashes

If you give God the “ashes” of your life, He will exchange them for the “beauty” of the Lord. What are ashes? They are the remains of life’s cruel processes. Think of a man named Jabez. He prayed and asked God to take away his ashes. What did God do for him? Jabez ended up being more blessed than all his other brethren.

Beauty for Ashes

Broken Woman

Mending. Broken. Relationships.

Relationships are precious yet fragile. When they break, the results are hurts, abuse, and mental struggles, which all contribute to the deep pains we carry on the inside. But why should we settle for unwanted pain and carry burdens too heavy to bear? There is hope for the hopeless and help for the helpless. Our heavenly father has made provision for mending broken lives.